Artisan cheese


- Generally, to make processed cheese, a portion of natural cheese is melted, emulsified and held together with preservatives, artificial ingredients and double the amount of salt used than that of natural cheese. It is then poured and reformed in to various other forms of cheese products.
- Processed cheese consists of emulsifiers and food colouring and other substitutes that may prove to be harmful for your body.
- Processed cheese has a longer shelf than natural cheese, majorly because the latter has a large amount of salt and preservatives to keep it fresh.
These products on the other hand are made from the purest form of milk and is not harmful for the body as it does not contain any chemical or preservatives to keep it fresh.

1 - Artisan or Natural cheese provides calcium and protein, as well as some vitamin A, B12, riboflavin, zinc and phosphorus. And it’s a source of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fat that may have anti-cancer, weight-reducing, and heart-protective effects. Cheese is also full of Vitamin B, which is developed during the fermentation process.
2 - Cheese is an excellent non-meat source of protein - Cheese is a complete protein, and contains the right proportions of essential amino acids to allow our bodies to absorb all that goodness.
3 - Cheese is packed to the brim with calcium. It’s also bursting with Vitamin D, which helps our bodies to absorb that Calcium, along with folic acid, zinc, phosphorus, and Vitamins A, B2, B12, and K2. When consumed together with calcium, Vitamins K2 and D3 are especially good at protecting your bones, brain and heart.
4 - Artisan cheese has less salt than its processed counterpart.
5 - The natural fat in cheese is a good thing.
6 - Cheese is full of good bacteria - Raw milk cheese contains millions of natural bacteria. These friendly little fellas can help prevent high blood pressure and cholesterol.
7 - Cheese makes you happy! Cheese contains an amino acid called tyrosine that, when broken down in our bodies, makes us feel content. The fats in cheese also encourage our brains to produce dopamine, a natural feel-good chemical released in our brains’ “reward centres”.
8 - High in saturated fat: Saturated fat is responsible for feelings of fullness that help curb appetite.
9 - It also raises HDL (“good”) cholesterol, which is one of the most important markers of heart health.